The Madison, Suite 26, Level 3, Corner of 22 Gateway Boulevard & 5 East Row, Opp Gateway Hospital, Umhlanga Rocks
Mon - Fri: 08h30 - 17h00 Sat: 9h00 - 13h00 Sun & Public hols: Closed



Case report

A 35-year-old African man developed an asymptomaticprogressive  recession of the frontal hairline over 1 year. Clinical examination revealed frontotemporal recession with loss of follicular orifices and partial loss of both eyebrows (Fig. 1a,b). Routine examination of the remaining scalp was normal. Further close inspection of the hair margin with a dermatoscope showed perifollicular plugging and very subtle erythema masked by pigmentation (Fig. 1c). The rest of the body, including the hair, nails and mucosa, was unaffected. The subjects general medical and drug history were insignificant. His family history showed no evidence of similar or any other scarring alopecia. The patient had always maintained natural virgin hair and had no history of using chemicals or mechanical manipulation for hair grooming purposes. Thyroid screen, antinuclear factor, complete blood count and hepatitis screen were normal.

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