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Skin creams that have bleaching properties and that are reputed to improve the complexion are much sought after by black South African women. The legacy of apartheid in South Africa has left more than what is overtly obvious for black South Africans and indoctrinated misconceptions that will take many years to change. ‘‘Black’’ for the purposes of this paper refers to the African, coloured, and Indian women in South Africa.

Pigmentary conformists are viewed as unattractive. A lighter complexion is preferred by many. According to Findlay, the skin that black people most wish to avoid is a dull, drab, dusty, or scaly surface. Brightness is what they are looking for. In addition, some of the patients use skin-lightening creams as self-medication in an effort to get rid of common dermatological conditions such as acne, melasma, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.

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